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Are there any additional costs?

Your use of phone services, email, and AI features are pay-as-you-go, and it's all very budget-friendly. We believe in the simple principle of 'small investments for big returns.' A higher usage rate means you're actively engaging with many messages each month, which is great for business. Think about your current outreach efforts. Now, imagine multiplying that by ten – that's the potential without breaking the bank. You'll manage your own advertising budget directly, too. And the best part? You get an AI-powered ad assistant working non-stop for you without any extra fees.

Does this integrate with my LOS?

The ability to integrate depends on your Loan Origination System (LOS). If your LOS is compatible with Zapier, then integration should be straightforward. Typically, all you need to do is make sure information is sent back to the system. This way, when a deal is finalized, Cerberus can manage your review requests and update client stage tags automatically. If there's no Zapier integration available, you have the option to upload your end-of-month closed loan reports for a bulk update, or you can manage the entire client journey directly within this system.

Why should I sign up for Cerberus CRM?

Let's look at how to boost your sales process. First, is your website set up to turn visitors into customers? And do you have a website at all? Think about your advertising too – are you running any paid ads? There's no need to overspend on outsourcing when AI can do the heavy lifting for you. Also, consider how you're tracking potential deals. Are they organized in a way that ensures you never miss out on a closing opportunity? Imagine having an AI assistant that contacts your leads and schedules them into your calendar automatically. If you're not doing these things, then there's room to make your sales more effective. Our system is designed to be easy to adopt and can help you capture more opportunities to seal deals.

What does onboarding look like?

Getting started with us is a breeze. Once you sign up, we'll send you a survey to collect your business details like contact info, licensing, logo, and your photo. After you fill that out, we'll set up a tech call followed by an onboarding call. These steps will get you 90% ready. Then, we'll have a third meeting to fine-tune the system specifically for your needs. We'll also help set up your phone number and ensure it meets A2P compliance standards. Simple, right?

Do you offer support

We know how crucial support is, and we're committed to providing you with the best. It's a common frustration to never find help or to struggle with using a system. We've been there, and that's why we've focused on making support a top priority. You'll have access to weekly office hour calls, join our exclusive Cerberus community to connect with fellow users, and dive into our comprehensive training courses. Plus, our AI-driven help articles and round-the-clock support team are ready to assist you via chat or even on Zoom if needed. We thrive when you thrive.